+ Can I come to Piringa for more than a week?
No, because of the intensity of a debrief, a week is a good length. However, you may return for another week later on if you feel that you could benefit from it.
+ Is debriefing the same as counselling?
No. Debriefing is a different process from counselling although it may include some elements of counselling in the debriefing week. Debriefing is for one week only whereas counselling is usually longer term.
+ Do I have to have gone through some traumatic transition and experienced trauma and stress in order to be able to come for a debrief at Piringa?
No. Anybody who is going through a 'transition' period in their life or completed a term of service/employment would gain enormously from a debrief, even when that time has been very positive and rewarding.
+ Can we bring our young children with us?
Yes you can, but you will have to bring a babysitter with you if the children are young. You will need uninterrupted time for your debrief, both in the morning sessions plus some time in the afternoon/evening when you will be working on some tasks that come out of your morning sessions.
+ Is it alright to arrange a visit/s to other people who live nearby during the debriefing week?
We encourage you to keep the whole week free from other appointments/work. We suggest you visit friends who live in the area either before or after you finish the debriefing week.
+ Do you have Mobile coverage / Internet access at Piringa?
Yes. Vodafone and Telecom mobile phones work at Piringa. We also have wireless internet capacity in the house. T sticks/vodem sticks also work at Piringa.